G2H2 members’ blogs: You are invited
to share your insights and assessments
of current Geneva global health processes

The making of a “Global Action Plan for healthy lives and well-being for all”: We are still not amused…

The author Thomas Schwarz is Executive Secretary of the Medicus Mundi International Network and the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) and a member of the G2H2 working group on WHO and global health governance and financing. Contact: schwarz@medicusmundi.org. G2H2 members’ blogs G2H2 members’ blogs are meant to inform and inspire and perhaps promote debate or joint action; they do not represent…


Global action or dissatisfaction?

The authors Mareike Haase, Health Advisor Bread for the World and Hannah Eger, B.Sc. Health Communication University Bielefeld. Contact: mareike.haase@brot-fuer-die-welt.de G2H2 members’ blogs We invite G2H2 project members to provide news about and assessments of Geneva global health processes that deserve our attention. G2H2 members’ blogs do not represent a consolidated view of the G2H2. For texts…


Universal Health Coverage: It’s up to you, New York, New York…

The author Thomas Schwarz is Executive Secretary of the Medicus Mundi International Network and the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) and a member of the G2H2 working group on WHO and global health governance and financing. Contact: schwarz@medicusmundi.org. G2H2 members’ blogs G2H2 members’ blogs are meant to inform and inspire and perhaps promote debate or joint action; they do not represent…


Refugee and migrants’ health in the first report of the WHO European Region. Blog by Nicoletta Dentico

Illustration: Cover of WHO EURO report The author Nicoletta Dentico is a senior health policy analyst and the director of the Geneva-based Health Innovation in Practice (HIP). She has a longstanding experience in international cooperation and public health issues. She has worked as Director General of MSF Italy and later as policy and advocacy manager of Drugs…


WHO and the financialisation of global health: It’s time for a counter-hegemonic narrative. Blog by Remco van de Pas

Illustration: WHO Investment case website The author Remco van de Pas is a Research Fellow Global Health Policy, ITM Antwerp & Academic Coordinator, Maastricht Centre for Global Health, Maastricht University. He is a board member of the Medicus Mundi International Network and a member of the G2H2 working group on WHO and global health governance and…


Civil society engagement with the World Health Organization: Towards a new era of partnership or defending a shrinking space? Blog by Thomas Schwarz

The author Thomas Schwarz is Executive Secretary of the Medicus Mundi International Network and the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) and a member of the G2H2 working group on WHO and global health governance and financing. Thanks to the working group members who kindly provided feedback on an earlier draft. Contact: schwarz@medicusmundi.org. The proposals featured…


We invite G2H2 project members to provide news about and assessments of Geneva global health processes that deserve our attention

Your contributions are welcome We invite G2H2 project members to provide news about and assessments of Geneva global health processes that deserve our attention Blogs written by G2H2 members and other civil society experts are expected to provide introductions and viewpoints on particular Geneva global health processes. They can spur exchanges of information and analysis,…
