EB TODAY: Civil society lounge at the EB156
Everyday during EB 156 (3-11 February 2025), 9.00-9.45 CET
Dear all
WHO member states agreed to convene the 156th session of the Executive Board on Monday, 3 February 2025, at WHO headquarters, Geneva, and to close the session no later than Tuesday, 11 February 2025.In that week, our EB TODAY check-in meetings will take place every day, from 9.00 to 9.45 CET. Together, we will have a look at the agenda of the day and we will assess the main points of the discussions from the previous day(s). Join us, and bring along your stories and assessments, and your questions and calls to colleagues to engage in civil society advocacy! You might also follow us via annotations of the working document (see below).
See you there! Best regards
Alessandra, Lauren, and Nicoletta, for the team
- Register here (Zoom meeting registration)
Register once to attend any of the occurrences - Online working document set up for WHA Today and EB Today, with archives
Be aware that, through the link on this page, this is a public document.

- EB Today in January, during the main annual session of the WHO Executive Board
- WHA Today in May, during the World Health Assembly
- Review sessions and intersessional check-in meetings as needed
People’s Health Movement (PHM)
Medicus Mundi International Network (MMI)
Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2)
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