G2H2 Working groups

An overview of current and past G2H2 working groups can be found here. Groups are mandated by the Steering Committee, based on a concrete proposal by a team of G2H2 members. Please send any related enquiries to the G2H2 secretariat.

G2H2 Working Group on the INB process (G2H2 INB)

The G2H2 INB Working Group is set up by members of the Geneva Global Health Hub interested in the negotiation of a WHO “pandemic treaty“ (“convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response”) by a WHO Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), and to other processes in the field of governing pandemic preparedness and response such as the WHO member states’ Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR).

In the INB document “Modalities of engagement for relevant stakeholders” (A/INB/2/4), the Geneva Global Health Hub is listed as “other stakeholder” (Annex E). G2H2 is therefore invited to provide inputs to the INB process “via an electronic portal, an open ‘hearing’, and/or a segment of a session”.


The group shall allow its members

  • to gather and share intelligence about the advancement of the INB process and opportunities to engage for civil society;
  • to engage, as adequate, in the INB process based on the “other stakeholder” status of G2H2 (in particular: get access to INB meetings and briefings that are open to “other stakeholders”);
  • to contribute to the INB process from within, by making statements at INB meetings in the name of G2H2, on topics commonly identified and agreed upon 
  • to share and deepen the analysis of the INB process (thematic and process related);
  • to set up ad hoc sub-teams to explore and implement the drafting and publication of joint civil society analysis or input;
  • to be updated on the activities of group members and civil society teams and initiatives outside G2H2 in the same field.
Membership and internal communication
  • Membership in G2H2 INB is open for all representatives of G2H2 member organizations. Members can join/leave the working group by simple communication to the secretariat. 
  • A mailing list (g2h2-inb@g2h2.org) for group members is administered by the secretariat. 
  • There is no public list of group members.
Governance and representation

The G2H2 secretariat is mandated by the working group to act as its secretariat. The working group secretariat is responsible for convening and moderating group meetings and reporting back to the G2H2 Steering Committee and membership as outlined above.

  • Outline of the working group quoted from the Terms of Reference (version: February 2023)
  • Contact for engagement (members only) and information: Thomas Schwarz, G2H2 Secretariat, info@g2h2.org