G2H2 Annual General Meeting 2019
The Third Annual General Meeting of the Geneva Global Health Hub took place on Saturday, 18 May 2019, at the Maison Internationale des Associations, Geneva. The meeting was attended by 15 out of 34 G2H2 member organizations.
AGM highlights:
The AGM adopted the G2H2 Annual Report and Financal Report on the past year as well as the budget and membership fees for the current year (2019).
The AGM adopted a new biannual work plan for the years 2019-20, the third formal G2H2 planning document after the initial work plan for the year 2016 adopted by the Constitutive Assembly in May 2016 and the biannual plan for the years 2017-18 adopted in 2017.
The G2H2 work plan 2019-20 follows the structure of the previous work plan and will be used for the steering of the processes and activities included in the plan and the related accountability processes, in particular the annual reporting by the G2H2 Steering Committee and Secretariat to the members. The new work plan is based on a thorough review of the first two years of G2H2 (output and institutional setup) done in a series of four open SC meetings that took place from September to December 2018 and based on a working document provided by the Secretariat and President. The process addressed the following particular elements of G2H2 positioning and planning:
- G2H2 ambitions beyond being a civil society space/platform and service provider
- G2H2 sustainability beyond the initial phase
- G2H2 working groups: Expectations beyond the current format
Initial results of the process were reported back to G2H2 members at a briefing session in January 2019. The resulting perspectives and plans on how to consolidate initial achievements and bring our civil society project to a next level were integrated in the new work plan discussed and adopted at the AGM.
The AGM report and full documentation are available in the G2H2 Dropbox (members only).
Please get in touch with our Secretariat for any related enquiries.