G2H2 website administrator
EB TODAY: Civil society lounge at the EB156 Everyday during EB 156 (3-11 February 2025), 9.00-9.45 CET Dear all WHO member states agreed to convene the 156th session of the Executive Board on Monday, 3 February 2025, at WHO headquarters, Geneva, and to close the session no later than Tuesday, 11 February 2025.In that week,…
The Pushback on Women’s Rights Must Be Stopped Launch Event for the initiative “Stop the Pushback on Women’s Rights” 30 January 2025, 10:00 – 12:00 hrs CET Hybrid: Geneva, Graduate Institute (Auditorium A1B, Petal 2) and online Followed by a reception Watch the recording or Read the press release The alarming attacks on women’s rights…
Matters that matter to us Series of policy debates hosted by the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2), 20-24 January 2025, ahead of WHO EB 156 This coming 2025 – amidst political turmoil and concerning geopolitical scenarios – prospects to be a challenging year for civil society organizations worldwide. To ensure that health-related human rights are…
Welcome to Alessandra Tisi … and farewell to Thomas Schwarz Dear friends and colleagues, We are delighted to announce that this week Alessandra Tisi has formally started her job as the new G2H2 Executive Secretary. After an intense and solid in-boarding period with Thomas Schwarz, she is now ready to take the lead and coordinate…
INB12, 4-15 November 2024 G2H2 statement under agenda item 2 Thank you, Madame Chair. The reopening of the discussion on Art. 20, to make it compatible with the text of the amended IHR, provides now a unique opportunity. Indeed, the feeble sense of commitment that one reads in between the lines of Art. 20 can…
Reclaim the United Nations! A civil society workshop Geneva, 17-19 October 2024 One year ago, in November 2023, the Geneva Global Health Hub and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation gathered representatives from organizations and social movements across diverse fields such as food, health, climate, migration, and labour rights, in a civil society retreat in Evian, by…
Summit of the Future? Civil Society Must Reclaim the United Nations Side event to the 56th Session of the UN Human Rights Council Geneva, Palais des Nations, 21 June 2024 On 21 June, G2H2 co-organized, together with Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung, FIAN International, CETIM, the Society for International Development, International Service for Human Rights and other…
G2H2 Annual Report 2023 Dear Members and Friends 2023 was a trying year for billions of people across the globe. It was marked by a sharp worsening of the global cost of living crisis that commenced in 2022, the exacerbation of violent conflicts and wars in countries like Ukraine, Yemen, Haiti and the DRC…
Call for applications closed Thanks for your interest. The Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) is a membership-based association created in Geneva in 2016 to provide an independent civil society space to enable the sharing of knowledge and the creation /experimentation of relevant initiatives to advocate for democratic global public health governance. The G2H2 has with…
G2H2 civil society workshop ahead of WHA77 Geneva, Saturday 25 May 2024 World in flames: civil society lost in the impotence of international law The last two years of escalating warfare, coming in the wake of an earlier phase of global chaos due to the coronavirus pandemic, have deeply radicalized injustices already enshrined in dynamics…