G2H2 Annual General Meeting 2018
The Second Annual General Meeting of the Geneva Global Health Hub took place on Saturday, 19 May 2018, at the Ecumenical Center, Geneva. The meeting was attended by 13 out of 28 G2H2 member organizations and some observers from other civil society organizations.
AGM highlights:
- The AGM adopted the Annual Report and Financal Report on the past year as well as the budget and membership fees for the current year (2018).
- The AGM agreed with an amendment of the association statutes proposed by the Steering Committee (introduction of individual membership; increased maximal number of SC members).
- The AGM elected the President and Steering Committee for the coming 2 years (both returning and new candidates).
- The AGM was briefed about the current activities of the G2H2 working groups; a new working group on global health financing was launched at the Meeting.
The AGM report and full documentation are available in the G2H2 Dropbox (members only).