Monday, 25 October 2021
Zoom webinar, 16.00-17.30 CEST

While the world is reeling in the second year under the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Global South finds itself subjected to the new form of global inequality enshrined in the patently flawed vaccine distribution strategy, a new initiative has been spearheaded by the EU leadership, and supported by the WHO Director General and a relatively small group of countries, to negotiate a pandemic treaty for the future pandemic preparedness and response.

The Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) is currently mapping this complex proposal and its ultimate goals and implications in the global health governance through a bottom-up research and advocacy project that aims to involve those who have concretely tackled the response to COVID-19 in countries. The study is also discussing the possibility of alternative governance for the right to health, based on the principles of cooperation and solidarity and focusing on some of the structural pathogens leading to the pandemic.

On the sidelines of the World Health Summit in Berlin, the German Platform for Global Health and G2H2 jointly hosted an online presentation of the preliminary findings of the G2H2 study, prior to its formal launch in Geneva in mid-November, ahead of the World Health Assembly Special Session.

  • Session recording: Zoom cloud
  • Priti Patnaik: Initial findings of the G2H2 research (PPT or  PDF)
Background and perspectives

Welcome and introduction

Andreas Wulf, German Platform for Global Health and Geneva Gobal Health Hub


G2H2 study on the Pandemic Treaty: Preliminary findings 

Priti Patnaik, Editor Geneva Health Files, Geneva

Remco van de Pas, Institute for Tropical Medicine Antwerp



Björn Kümmel, Division Global Health, Ministry of Health Germany

Unni Karunakara, Senior Fellow Global Health Justice Partnership, Yale Law School/Yale School of Public Health


Questions and answers, discussion

Session moderated by Victoria Saint, School of Public Health, Bielefeld University

Contacts for enquiries

This G2H2 reserarch and advocacy project is sponsored by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung with funds of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany.