The Hub

Structures and activists

The Geneva Global Health Hub can count on a small secretariat hosted by the Medicus Mundi International Network at its Geneva office. Apart this, the success of G2H2 entirely depends on the engagement of dedicated activists in its Steering Committee, sub-teams and working groups.

G2H2 Steering Committee

According to the G2H2 statutes, the Steering Committee (SC) “shall be authorized to carry out all acts that further the purposes of the G2H2. The Steering Committee shall be authorized to manage the G2H2’s business.” The mandate of the SC includes, in particular,

  • Overseeing and monitoring of activities, processes, institutions and outputs of the G2H2, and in particular, overseeing and monitoring the work of the Secretariat
  • Strategic planning and reporting
  • Consolidation and further development of the project
  • Representation of the G2H2 membership in the recruitment of new members and fundraising

G2H2 Co-Presidents

  • Baba Aye, Public Services International
  • Nicoletta Dentico, Society for International Development

G2H2 Steering Committee Members 

  • Andreas Wulf, medico international
  • Ashka Naik, Corporate Accountability
  • Dian Maria Blandina, PHM
  • Silvia Barigazzi,
  • Mohammad Alzayed, Amel Association International
  • Alessandra Tisi and Thomas Schwarz, MMI Network, representing the Secretariat

G2H2 Secretariat

The G2H2 Secretariat is hosted by the Medicus Mundi International Network at its Geneva office, based on a Secretariat agreement which frames its role and scope of work. The Executive Secretary who is currently the only employed staff is delegated the mandate to implement and lead the day-to-day management of the project and association and to speak for the G2H2 in all technical matters.


G2H2 working groups

Setting up G2H2 working groups is seen as an important, but challenging process which will take some time. We do not want to duplicate existing civil society networks and teams, but see G2H2 working groups – and meetings – as a platform for a holistic discussion of global health as a complex, interrelated, organic and holistic field.

Working groups