Project documentation
Members and membership
Structures and activists
G2H2 Bank account
PostFinance Ltd
Mingerstrasse 20
CH-3030 Berne
Account no. 89-361641-5
Geneva Global Health Hub
IBAN CH87 0900 0000 8936 1641 5
Support the G2H2 project
G2H2 is a not-for-profit and non-governmental association owned by its members and keen to maintain its financial and political independence and integrity. This will allow the association to fulfil its mandate without being influenced by vested interests. G2H2 accepts funding that does not compromise its vision, mission and core principles and does not restrict its ability to address relevant issues freely, thoroughly and objectively.
G2H2 guiding principles with regard to sponsorship and conflicts of interest are outlined below. If you are interested to contribute financially to the project, please get in touch with us.
For smaller donations, in particular contributions to the costs of civil society meetings organized by G2H2, feel free to use directly the bank account information provided in the left column of this page. Thank you!
Sponsorship regulations for all kinds of external funding of own and joint activities:
- G2H2 will accept only funding that does not compromise its vision, mission and core principles and does not restrict its ability to address relevant issues freely, thoroughly and objectively.
- Following from the above, G2H2 will not accept funding provided directly or indirectly by the tobacco, food, alcohol, pharmaceutical, infant formula and arms industries as well as other industries that may become subject to WHO guidelines as soon as they do so.
- Private sponsorship that fulfils the two preceding requirements will be unrestricted and unconditional. When financial support is approved, a contract or memorandum of understanding between G2H2 and the organization will be agreed and signed by authorized parties detailing length of time for the agreement, contribution value, joint activities and deliverables to be achieved, with a start and end date. This agreement will ensure that no restrictions or conditions are imposed by the sponsors which would affect the content of the project and/ or activities.
- Any financial support by members or third parties will appear in G2H2 reports to members and the public and other relevant documents, such as publications.
Source: G2H2 internal regulations