Photo: WHO / L. Cipriani

WHO public survey: Evaluation of the process for the election of the Director-General of the World Health Organization (Extended Deadline: 17 November 2017)

“The Sixty-fifth World Health Assembly decided, in resolution WHA65.15 (2012), that an evaluation, open to all Member States, will be conducted by the Executive Board within one year from the appointment of the next Director-General of the World Health Organization, to assess the efficacy of the revised process and methods for the election of the Director-General, in order to discuss any need for further enhancing fairness, transparency and equity among the Member States of the six regions of WHO. This evaluation is being conducted by the Executive Board with the support of the Evaluation Office. The evaluation will take place during 142nd session of the Executive Board in January 2018 in an open meeting.

Evaluation modalities (document EB141/6)

Decision EB141(1)

High-level timeline for the evaluation:

In support of this evaluation, a web-based public survey will be conducted until 17 November 2017, and is intended to solicit feedback on the election process from all interested stakeholders who have not been covered through the other data collection methods for this evaluation. Please note that all responses will be treated in confidence. Your specific responses will contribute to a broader analysis, together with the inputs from other stakeholders, and a draft report of the findings will be presented to the Executive Board at its 142nd session in order to facilitate an informed discussion.

The online survey, hosted on a secure WHO platform, can be accessed through the following link:

Source: WHO

Public survey: WHO website