We publish on this page an overview of technical and political meetings taking place during the 71st World Health Assembly at the Palais des Nations and in town, as a service to the members and partners of the Geneva Global Health Hub:
- Technical Briefings organized by the WHO Secretariat and open to WHA delegates
(source: WHA Preliminary Journal) - Meetings at the Palais des Nations organized by WHO Member States and open to WHA delegates (Source: WHA Preliminary Journal)
- WHA Side events at the Palais des Nations organized by non-State Actors in official relations with WHO (sources: WHO website (PDF) and WHA Preliminary Journal)
- Other meetings taking place in the WHA week organized by various actors.
71st World Health Assembly, 21-26 May: Please refer to the agenda and documentation on the WHO website, including a guide for delegates (bottom of the page). For WHA side events at the Palais des Nations, WHA registration (badge) is required.
All information provided on this overwiew is subject to change. For any enquiries about particular events, please get in touch with the organizers, as indicated below. And send your own announcements or updates to info@g2h2.org.
As a general rule (but with a few exceptions) our list does not include institutional or social events such as annual assemblies or receptions, nor meetings that are labelled “private / by invitation only”.
FRIDAY 18 MAY 2018
9:00-18:30 hrs, Ecumenical Centre
40 Years of Alma-Ata: Translating “Health for All” into the Present and Future
Full day session of the civil society meetings ahead of the WHA
Organizers: G2H2 and members/partners
Host: WCC
Announcement and registration: website
9:00-10:45 hrs, Ecumenical Centre
G2H2 Annual General Meeting
Organizer: Geneva Global Health Hub
Announcement and registration: website
11:00-13:15 hrs, Ecumenical Centre
– Key Items on the Agenda of the 71st World Health Assembly and the WHO EB
– The contribution of civil society engagement to the achievement of Health for All
Sessions of the civil society meetings ahead of the WHA
Organizers: G2H2 and its members, PHM
Host: WCC
Announcement and registration: website
12:00-17:00 hrs, Crowne Plaza Hotel
5th World Health Professions Regulation Conference
Organizer: World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA)
Announcement and registration: website
13:15-16:30 hrs, InterContinental Hotel
Cervical cancer: An NCD we can overcome
Organizers: Global Health Objectives, University Numerique Francophone Mondiale
Announcement website: not available
Registration: website
14:00-17:00 hrs, Ecumenical Centre
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): Are We Off Track?
Session of the civil society meetings ahead of the WHA
Organizers: G2H2 and its members, WAAAR
Followed by a reception
Host: WCC
Announcement and registration: website
SUNDAY 20 MAY 2018
9:00-16:30 hrs, Crowne Plaza Hotel
5th World Health Professions Regulation Conference
Organizer: World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA)
Announcement and registration: website
9.45-13.00 hrs, Geneva
Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge
Organizers: World Health Organization, with Ville and Canton of Geneva, the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations, the United Nations Office at Geneva, Permanent Missions to the UN offices in Geneva, and others
Announcement and registration: website
13:00-14:30 hrs, Graduate Institute, Maison de la Paix
Renewed CSO initiative: Ensure Health Workers for All
Organizer: Wemos, ACHEST, MSF, MMI Network
Announcement: website
15:00-18:00 hrs, Graduate Institute/Maison de la Paix
Introduction to the World Health Assembly: A Briefing for Delegates
Organizers: Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute and UN Foundation
Announcement and registration: website
15:00-16:30 hrs, Ecumenical Centre
NCD Alliance Civil Society Advocacy Briefing
Organizer: NCD Alliance
Announcement: website
MONDAY 21 MAY 2018
8:00-10:00 hrs, Intercontinental Hotel
Driving Novel Partnerships Throughout the NCD Life-Cycle: New Approaches to Preventing and Treating Respiratory and Cardiovascular Diseases in LMICs
Organizer: AstraZeneca
Registration: website
8:00-10:00 hrs, Restaurant Vieux-Bois
Healthcare for People, Not Siloes for Diseases: Exploring Relevant Solutions to Shape a Future of Integrated Care for NCDs at country level
Organizers: Lilly, NCD Alliance
Initial announcement: website/see calendar
12:00-14:00 hrs, Intercontinental Hotel
Accelerating Progress: Planning, Prioritization, and Partnerships to Advance Global Health Security
Organizers: Global Health Security Agenda Private Sector Roundtable, PATH, Resolve to Save Lives and World Bank Group
Registration: website
12:30-14:00 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room VII
WHA Side event: Universal health coverage in emergencies – a call to action
Organizers: Delegations of Afghanistan, the Netherlands, Nigeria and Switzerland
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
12:30-14:00 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room XXIII
WHA Side event: Assistive technology: making universal health coverage inclusive
Organizers: Delegations of China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan and Pakistan
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
12:30-14:00 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room XXIV
WHA Side event: Primary health care and universal health coverage: the evidence, contributions and
effectiveness of community health workers
Organizers: Delegations of Algeria, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Norway and the United Republic of Tanzania
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
12:30-14:30 hrs, Château de Penthes
Geneva launch of Lancet-Guttmacher SRHR Commission Report
Organizer: PMNCH
First announcement: website
16:00-18:00 hrs, Geneva Press Club
Getting Local With Global Health Security: A Pathway Towards Sustainable Action
Organizers: Management Sciences for Health (MSH), Global Health Council (GHC), Global Health Security Agenda Consortium (GHSAC), Resolve to Save Lives, PATH, and the Global Health Technologies Coalition (GHTC)
Announcement and registration: website
18:00-19:45 hrs, Intercontinental Hotel
ENOUGH. Making 2018 the year for action and accountability on NCDs – Followed by reception
Organizer: NCD Alliance
Initial announcement: website/see calendar
18:00-18:00 hrs, Intercontinental Hotel
Collaborative Solutions to Patient Challenges in NCDs
Organizer: Access Accelerated in collaboration with NCD Alliance
Registration: website
18.30 hrs, Palais des Nations
WHO Anniversary Reception
Organizers: Swiss Federation, Canton and City of Geneva
By invitation only
18.30 hrs, InterContinental Hotel
Global Surgery: A Powerful Strategy for Advancing Women’s Health
Organizer: G4 Alliance in partnership with GE Foundation.
Announcement and registration: website
11:30-13:30 hrs, Domaine de Penthes, Espace Gallatin
Quality of Maternal Health Medicines and Achieving the SDGs
Organizer: Concept Foundation
Announcement/registration: website
12:00-14:00 hrs, Humanitarium of the International Committee of the Red Cross
Strengthening National Frameworks for the Protection of Health Care
Organizers: WMA, WHO, MSF, ICRC
Announcement/registration: website
12:00-14:30 hrs, International Museum of Red Cross & Red Crescent
Calling to Global Action for Epilepsy
Organizers: ILAE, IBE
Announcement/registration: website
12:15-13:45 hrs, Intercontinental Hotel
Positioning Circulatory Health in Universal Health Coverage. The Case for Hypertension
Organizer: Global Coalition for Circulatory Health
Announcement/registration: website
12:30-14:00 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room XII
WHA Technical Briefing: Primary health care is key to achieving universal health coverage and health for all (lead up to 40th Anniversary of Alma Ata and 2019 General Assembly High-level meeting on UHC)
Official WHA Side event
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
12:30-14:00 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room XXIII
WHA Side event: Tackling noncommunicable diseases as a major contribution to universal health coverage: are regulatory interventions a cost-effective alternative
Organizers: Delegations of Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Finland, the Netherlands and Uruguay
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
12:30-14:00 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room XXIV
WHA Side event: Towards universal coverage with HIV prevention services and commodities – the Global Prevention Coalition and Roadmap
Organizers: Delegations of Ecuador, Haiti, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Luxembourg, Maldives, Mexico, Panama, Ukraine, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the African Group
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
12:30-14:00 hrs, Graduate Institute, Maison de la Paix
Innovation, Equity and the New Health Economy
UHC and the Role of the Private Sector
Organizers: Rabin Martin and the Global Health Centre
Announcement and registration: Website
13:00-14:30 hrs, Geneva Press Club
Protect Patients, not Patents
Organizer: Public Eye
Save the Date received via e-mail
Livestream: available here
Contact for enquiries: Email
15:30-17:00 hrs, Graduate Institute, Maison de la Paix
Global Challenges in Antimicrobial Resistance. Getting Research to Move Beyond Silos
Organizer: Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership (GARDP)
Announcement: website
16:00-16:45 hrs, live broadcast
World Health +SocialGood
Organizers: WHO, UN Foundation, +SocialGood
Announcement: website
16:30-19:30 hrs, Vieux-Bois Restaurant, Entre Actes room
Turning the Tide on NCDs: Why we need to focus on youth
Organizers: AstraZeneca Young Health Programme in partnership with Plan International UK, RTI International, NCD RisC and NCD Child.
Announcement and registration: website
17:00-19:00 hrs, International Conference Centre of Geneva
Quality Care: Fulfilling the Promise of UHC
Organizers: Harvard Global Health Institute, OECD, World Bank, BMJ
Announcement and registration: website
17:30-19:30 hrs, Maison de la Paix
Diagnostics and the Fight Against Superbugs
Organizers: MedTech Europe, Global Diagnostics Alliance, Global Medical Technology Alliance, and AdVaMedDX
Announcement and registration: website
17:45-20:30 hrs, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum
Perilous or productive?
Working with the private sector to achieve UHC
Organizers: UHC2030
Announcement: website
18:00–19:30 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room VIII
WHA Side event: Country-led and country-owned efforts on malaria elimination to achieving universal health coverage
Organizers: Delegations of Australia, China, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Spain, Sri Lanka, the United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia.
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
18:00–19:30 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room XXIII
WHA Side event: Global action on patient safety for achieving effective universal health coverage
Organizers: Delegations of Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Kenya, Luxembourg, Malta, New Zealand, Oman, Poland, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sri Lanka and the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
18:00–19:30 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room XXIV
WHA Side event: 100 years after the pandemic: preparedness to protect Health for All
Organizers: Delegations of Finland and the United States of America
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
18:00-19:30 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room IX
WHA side event: Taking civil society engagement to new heights to advance WHO’s 13th General Programme of Work and achieve the Triple Billion targets
Organizers: PATH, Caritas Internationalis, Global Health Council, International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations, International Pediatric Association and International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation
WHO overview of official WHA side events organized by non-state actors: website (PDF file)
18:00-20:00 hrs, InterContinental Hotel, BallRoom A
Nutrition education and IDF action on junk food and serving sizes to tackle obesity and prevent diabetes among children, women and all those at risk
Organizer: International Diabetes Federation (IDF)
Announcement and registration: website
18:00-19:15 hrs, Graduate Institute
From Paper to Policy in 10 Years: How a checklist is transforming global surgery
Organizer: Lifebox, Global Health Centre
Announcement and registration: website
18:30 hrs, Union for International Cancer Control
M.E. is a neglected NCD: not preventable, not treatable. What do we need to do?
Organizer: International Alliance for M.E.
Announcement received via e-mail
Contact/enquiries: E-mail
18:30-21.00 hrs, Hotel Royal, Salon Rousseau
ME-BYO: Building a Better Future through Behavior Change
Organizer: Kanagawa Prefectural Government of Japan
Announcement and registration: website
7:30-8:45 hrs, Restaurant La Vie-des-Champs
It Takes Ending Violence Against Children to Achieve Universal Health Coverage
Organizers: Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, WHO, World Vision International.
Co-sponsors: Government of Canada, Government of Ghana
RSVP: website
7:30-9:00 hrs, Intercontinental Hotel
Value of a Global Health Security Index
Organizers: NTI-Bio, in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and The Economist Intelligence Unit, with various co-hosts
Breakfast will be provided
Announcement and registration: website
7:30-9:00 hrs, InterContinental Hotel
Partnerships to Scale Health Foundations
Organizers: PMNCH, EWEC Innovation Marketplace, in collaboration with the UN Foundation and other partners
First announcement: website
8:00-10:00 hrs, Restaurant Vieux-Bois
Medicines We Can Trust: A Call to Safeguard Quality
Organizers: USP, Access to Medicine Foundation, Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance, Brazzaville Foundation, Concept Foundation, Mexican Federal Commission for Protection from Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network, Harvard Global Health Institute, Infectious Diseases Data Observatory, Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, PATH and ReAct
Registration: website
9:00-18:00 hrs, Institute of Global Health, Campus Biotech
International Global Health & Antimicrobial Resistance Workshop 2018
Organizer: World Federation of Public Health Association (WFPHA)
Announcement and registration: website
12:15-14:15 hrs, WHO HQ, Room M405 or Webex
Meeting between the WHO Secretariat and Civil Society on the WHO Chemicals Road Map
Organizers: WHO, SAICM civil society health sector
Announcement received by e-mail.
Contact civil society: E-mail
Webex: registration
12:00-14:00 hrs, Humanitarium of the International Committee of the Red Cross
Health Security: 100 Years after the Spanish Flu pandemic
Organizers: World Medical Association, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations
Announcement website: not available
Registration: website
12:30-14:00 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room XII
WHA Technical Briefing: Official launch of the WHO immunization business case for the African continent
Official WHA Side event
First Announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
12:30-14:00 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room VIII
WHA Side event: Why women, children, adolescents and youth are central to advancing universal health coverage, quality, equity, dignity, and sexual and reproductive health rights
Organizers: Delegations of Denmark, France, Georgia, Malawi, Mozambique, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
12:30-14:00 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room XXIV
WHA Side event: People’s voice and social participation: Key roles and contributions to universal health coverage
Organizers: Delegations of Chile, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Thailand.
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
12:30-14:00 hrs, Graduate Institute, Maison de la Paix
Health in All Policies – a strategic function of public health and UHC
Organizers: Sudan on behalf of GNHiAP, WHO & GHC
Announcement: website
12:30-14:30 hrs, Musée international de la Croix Rouge, Espace Henry Dunant
Panel Discussion on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Roadmap on Access to Medicines and Vaccines
Organizers: Knowledge Ecology International, Health Action International
Announcement: website
12:30-14:00 hrs, Geneva Press Club
United to end Tuberculosis: Priorities for the UN High-Level Meeting on TB
Organizer: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), KNVC and FIRS
Announcement: received via e-mail
Registration and enquiries: e-mail
14:00-16:30 hrs, WHO HQ, Salle A
Briefing on the Global Conference on Primary Health Care: towards Health for All
Organizer: WHO PHC
Announcement: Briefing flyer
16:00-18:00 hrs, Geneva Press Club
From the Ground Up: NCDs, TB, and Resilient Health Systems
Organizers: Global Health Council, NCD Roundtable, Stop TB Partnership, and ACTION
Announcement and registration: website
16:00-16:45 hrs, live broadcast
World Health +SocialGood
Organizers: WHO, UN Foundation, +SocialGood
Announcement: website
18:00–19:30 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room VII
WHA Side event: Member States commitment to the global movement towards universal health coverage: focused actions on primary health care and financing for effective delivery
Organizers: Delegations of Australia, Ghana, Indonesia, Maldives, Mexico, Republic of Korea and Turkey
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
18:00–19:30 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room VIII
WHA Side event: Towards ending tuberculosis—BRICS efforts to achieve universal health coverage in the context of preparations for the UN High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis
Organizers: Delegations of Brazil, India, the Russian Federation and South Africa.
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
18:00-18:50 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room IX
WHA side event: Gynecological oncology, early detection and prevention
Organizer: International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics
WHO overview of official WHA side events organized by non-state actors: website (PDF file)
18:00-20:00 hrs, Intercontinental Hotel
Unfinished Journey: The Global Health Response to Children & Road Traffic
Organizer: FIA Foundation
Initial announcement: website/see calendar
18:00-20:00 hrs, Ecole Hôtelière Genève (next to Vieux Bois Restaurant)
Launch of the Framework on Nurturing Care for Early Childhood Development
Organizers: WHO, PMNCH, UNICEF, World Bank, and ECD Action Network
Announcement: website (PDF)
18:30-21:00 hrs, Intercontinental Hotel
Continuing progress in global health: Working together for the future
Organizer: IFPMA
Announcement: website
18:30-20:00 hrs, Graduate Institute
United to End Rheumatic Heart Disease
Organizer: RHD Action
Announcement not yet available
18:30-21:00 hrs, Mandarin Oriental Hotel,
Impact of Digital Health on NCDs and Universal Health Coverage
Organizers: NCD Alliance, Intel Corporation and the Novartis Foundation
Announcement and registration: website
19:00-19:50 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room IX
WHA side event: Mobilizing society: inspiration for developing national responses to dementia
Organizer: Alzheimer’s Disease International
WHO overview of official WHA side events organized by non-state actors: website (PDF file)
19:00-21:00 hrs, Intercontinental Hotel, Moscou Room
Health of Palestinians & Palestine Refugees: 70 years after Nakba (Catastrophe)
Organizer: UNRWA in collaboration with The Lancet, WHO, IFMSA and MAP
Announcement: website
7:30-9:00 hrs, Restaurant Vieux-Bois
Seizing the opportunity: catalyzing quality UHC and tackling AMR through water, sanitation and hygiene and infection prevention and control
Organizers: WHO, WaterAid, IntraHealth and the Frontline Health Worker Coalition
Announcement received via e-mail
Enquiries and registration: website (PDF
8:00-10:00 hrs, Geneva Press Club
Diverse Pathways and Partnerships to Universal Health Coverage
Organizers: Global Health Council, Living Goods, IntraHealth International, and Frontline HealthWorkers Coalition
Announcement and registration: website
8:30-10:15 hrs, Intercontinental Hotel, Salon Bruxelles and Amsterdam
Women on the Rise: Women’s Health and Hygiene in the SDG Era
Organizers: Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, and Essity
Announcement and registration: website
9:00-17:00 hrs, World Council of Churches
Global Surgical, Obstetric and Anaesthesia Care
Organizer: WHO Emergency and Essential Surgical Care Programme
Announcement and registration: E-mail contact
11:15-12:30 hrs, International Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
Happiness, Health & NCDs – Mind the Gap!
Organizers: NCD Alliance, IFPA, Global Psoriasis Coalition
Announcement and registration: website
12:30-14:00 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room XII
WHA Technical Briefing: Health, environment and climate change
Official WHA Side event
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
12:30-14:00 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room VII
WHA Side event: Inclusive formulation of evidence-based policies and programmes for universal health coverage
Organizers: Delegations of Ethiopia, Uganda and the European Union
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
12:30-14:00 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room VIII
WHA Side event: Towards universal access to solid organ transplantation
Organizers: Delegations of EAlgeria, Argentina, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Italy, Portugal, Qatar, the Russian Federation, Spain and Uruguay
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
12:30-14:00 hrs, Graduate Institute, Maison de la Paix
Innovation, Equity and the New Health Economy
Organizers: Rabin Martin, Global Health Centre
Announcement and registration: website
15:30-17:00 hrs, Graduate Institute/Maison de la Paix
Human Rights in Global Health: Rights-Based Governance for a Globalizing World
Book Launch & Panel Discussion
Organizers: O’Neill Institute and Graduate Institute
Announcement and registration: website
16:00-16:45 hrs, live broadcast
World Health +SocialGood
Organizers: WHO, UN Foundation, +SocialGood
Announcement: website
18:00–19:30 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room VII
WHA Side event: Addressing antimicrobial resistance: a threat to global health and the achievement of universal health coverage
Organizers: Delegations of Canada, Chile, Fiji, Italy, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Sweden and Viet Nam
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
18:00–19:30 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room VIII
WHA Side event: Combatting the challenges of substandard and falsified medical products: the critical role of regulators
Organizers: Delegations of Canada, Ireland, Japan, Mexico and the United States of America
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
18:00-18.50 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room IX
WHA Side event: Ending TB, beating NCDs and achieving Health for All through Alcohol Policy Best Buys Implementation
Organizers: IOGT International, Governments of Botswana, Slovenia, Estonia, Guyana and Thailand
WHO overview of official WHA side events organized by non-state actors: website (PDF file)
Announcment: website
18:00-20:00 hrs, Intercontinental Hotel
Elevating Quality, Equity and Dignity for every woman and child on the road to UHC
Organizers: PMNCH, EWEC Innovation Marketplace, in collaboration with the UN Foundation and other partners
First announcement: website
18:30-20:00 hrs, Graduate Institute/Maison de la Paix
Follow investment and money movements as a global health strategy for NCDs
Organizers: Global Health Centre
Announcement: website
19:00-19:50 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room IX
WHA side event: The World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi) as a vehicle to galvanise action to achieve World Health Assembly and Global Breastfeeding Collective targets to increase exclusive and continued breastfeeding
Organizer: International Baby Food Action Network
WHO overview of official WHA side events organized by non-state actors: website (PDF file)
FRIDAY 25 MAY 2018
9:00-11:00 hrs, Intercontinental Hotel
Incentivizing Investments in Access to Quality Medicines
Organizer: United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP)
Announcement and registration: website
12:30-14:00 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room XII
WHA Technical Briefing: The role of parliamentarians in achieving universal health coverage and global health security
Official WHA Side event
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
12:30-14:00 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room VII
WHA Side event: Nourishing universal health coverage—country successes, lessons learnt and new tools in integrating infant and young child nutrition in health, with a focus on breastf
Organizers: Delegations of Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Canada, France, Ireland, Madagascar and the Philippines
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
12:30-14:00 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room VIII
WHA Side event: Access to medicines: overcoming obstacles created by monopolies — essential to universal health coverage and the 2030 Agenda
Organizers: Delegations of Brazil, India, Morocco, Senegal and Thailand
First announcement: WHA Preliminary Journal
12:30-14:00 hrs, Graduate Institute/Maison de la Paix
Transitioning in the context of Universal Health Coverage
Organizers: STOPAIDS, RESULTS UK, Médecins sans Frontières, Aidsfonds, The International HIV/AIDS Alliance and International Civil Society Support
Announcement: website
18:00-18:50 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room IX
WHA side event: Digital health and artificial intelligence for delivery of quality services towards universal access to healthcare
Organizer: International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth
WHO overview of official WHA side events organized by non-state actors: website (PDF file)
19:00-19:50 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room IX
WHA side event: Better access for all with sustainable financing systems: the role of the private sector and new innovations to achieve Universal Health Coverage
Organizers: Global Diagnostic Imaging, Healthcare IT and Radiation Therapy Trade Association and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations
WHO overview of official WHA side events organized by non-state actors: website (PDF file)
12:30-14:30 hrs, Graduate Institute/Maison de la Paix
#AidToo: Sexual exploitation in international cooperation. Prevent, respond adequately – and most of all: address the root causes
Organizers: Medicus Mundi International Network with Cordaid, ITM Antwerp and Medicus Mundi Switzerland; Graduate Institute, Global Health Centre
Announcements: MMI Network (with details) and Graduate Institute (with registration form):